Class RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder

  • public final class RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    This builder allows to build the right implementation of RuleDescriptionSection, depending on the provided arguments
    • Constructor Detail

      • RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder

        public RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • sectionKey

        public RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder sectionKey​(java.lang.String sectionKey)
        Identifier of the section, must be unique across sections of a given rule
      • htmlClasspathResourceUrl

        public RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder htmlClasspathResourceUrl​( htmlClasspathResourceUrl)
        The classpath URL of the resource containing the rule section content in HTML format. Example : htmlClasspathResourceUrl(getClass().getResource("/myrepo/Rule1234_section_intro.html")
      • context

        public RuleDescriptionSectionBuilder context​(@Nullable
                                                     Context context)
        For context specific descriptions, the context key, must be unique across a given section of a rule.