Interface NewExternalIssue

  • public interface NewExternalIssue
    Builder for an issue imported from an external rule engine by a Sensor. Don't forget to save() after setting the fields.
    • Method Detail

      • engineId

        NewExternalIssue engineId​(java.lang.String engineId)
        Unique identifier of the external analyzer (e.g. eslint, pmd, ...)
      • remediationEffortMinutes

        NewExternalIssue remediationEffortMinutes​(@Nullable
                                                  java.lang.Long effortInMinutes)
        Effort to fix the issue, in minutes.
      • addLocation

        NewExternalIssue addLocation​(NewIssueLocation secondaryLocation)
        Add a secondary location for this issue. Several secondary locations can be registered.
      • addFlow

        NewExternalIssue addFlow​(java.lang.Iterable<NewIssueLocation> flowLocations)
        Register a flow for this issue. A flow is an ordered list of issue locations that help to understand the issue. It should be a path that backtracks the issue from its primary location to the start of the flow. Several flows can be registered.
      • newLocation

        NewIssueLocation newLocation()
        Create a new location for this issue. First registered location is considered as primary location.
      • save

        void save()
        Save the issue. If rule key is unknown or rule not enabled in the current quality profile then a warning is logged but no exception is thrown.