Uses of Class

Packages that use Notification

Uses of Notification in org.sonar.api.notifications

Methods in org.sonar.api.notifications that return Notification
 Notification Notification.setDefaultMessage(String value)
           When creating a new notification, it is strongly advised to give a default message that can be used by channels that don't want to specifically format messages for different notification types.
 Notification Notification.setFieldValue(String field, String value)
          Adds a field (kind of property) to the notification

Methods in org.sonar.api.notifications with parameters of type Notification
abstract  void NotificationChannel.deliver(Notification notification, String userlogin)
          Implements the delivery of the given notification to the given user.
abstract  void NotificationDispatcher.dispatch(Notification notification, NotificationDispatcher.Context context)
           Implements the logic that defines which users will receive the notification.
 void NotificationDispatcher.performDispatch(Notification notification, NotificationDispatcher.Context context)
           Performs the dispatch.
 void NotificationManager.scheduleForSending(Notification notification)
          Receives a notification and stores it so that it is processed by the notification service.

Method parameters in org.sonar.api.notifications with type arguments of type Notification
 void NotificationManager.scheduleForSending(List<Notification> notifications)
          Receives notifications and stores them so that they are processed by the notification service.

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