Uses of Interface

Packages that use BatchExtension

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch
 interface CoverageExtension
          Marker for the extensions that execute coverage tools.
 interface CpdMapping
 interface Decorator
 interface PostJob
          PostJobs are executed when project is analysed.
 interface ResourceFilter
          Deprecated. since 4.2. Analysis is file-system oriented. See org.sonar.api.scan.filesystem.InputFileFilter
 interface Sensor
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use Sensor

Classes in org.sonar.api.batch that implement BatchExtension
 class AbstractCoverageExtension
          Deprecated. since 2.6 was superseded by interface CoverageExtension
 class AbstractCpdMapping
          A pre-implementation of the CpdMapping extension point
 class AbstractDirectoriesDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.2, the number of directories is automatically calculated by sonar core (see metric formula)
 class AbstractDivisionDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate metrics that are the result of a division
 class AbstractFileComplexityDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.1, a formula has been implemented on the metric, so no need to have decorator anymore
 class AbstractFilesDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.2, the number of files is automatically calculated by sonar core (see metric formula)
 class AbstractFunctionComplexityDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.1, a formula has been implemented on the metric, so no need to have decorator anymore
 class AbstractFunctionComplexityDistributionDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.1, a formula has been implemented on the metric, so no need to have decorator anymore
 class AbstractSourceImporter
          Deprecated. since 4.2 Component indexing and source import are done by core and this extension is not used.
 class AbstractSumChildrenDecorator
          Sum measures of child resources.
 class BuildBreaker
 class FileFilter
          Deprecated. in 3.5. Replaced by FileSystemFilter
 class Initializer
           Initializer can execute external tool (like a Maven plugin), change project configuration.

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch.bootstrap

Classes in org.sonar.api.batch.bootstrap that implement BatchExtension
 class ProjectBuilder
          This extension point allows to change project structure at runtime.

Uses of BatchExtension in

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in
 interface DecoratorExecutionHandler
 interface DecoratorsPhaseHandler
 interface EventHandler
          Marker interface for event handlers.
 interface InitializerExecutionHandler
 interface InitializersPhaseHandler
 interface MavenPhaseHandler
 interface PostJobExecutionHandler
 interface PostJobsPhaseHandler
 interface ProjectAnalysisHandler
 interface SensorExecutionHandler
 interface SensorsPhaseHandler

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch.fs

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch.fs
 interface InputFileFilter
          Extension point to exclude some files from inspection

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch.maven

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.batch.maven
 interface DependsUponMavenPlugin
          Deprecated. since 4.5 we don't want any dependency on Maven anymore
 interface MavenPluginHandler
          Deprecated. since 4.5 we don't want any dependency on Maven anymore

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.config

Classes in org.sonar.api.config that implement BatchExtension
 class PropertyDefinition
          Declare a plugin property.

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.issue

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.issue
 interface IssueHandler

Classes in org.sonar.api.issue that implement BatchExtension
 class NoSonarFilter
          Issue filter used to ignore issues created on lines commented with the tag "NOSONAR".

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.issue.batch

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.issue.batch
 interface IssueFilter
          An issue filter is an object that allows filtering of Issues on batch side, preventing them from being persisted.

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.measures

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.measures
 interface Metrics

Classes in org.sonar.api.measures that implement BatchExtension
 class Metric<G extends Serializable>
          This class represents the definition of a metric in Sonar.

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.profiles

Classes in org.sonar.api.profiles that implement BatchExtension
 class ProfileExporter

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.resources

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.resources
 interface Language
          The extension point to define a new language

Instantiation strategy changed to PER_BATCH in version 4.2.


Classes in org.sonar.api.resources that implement BatchExtension
 class AbstractLanguage
          Inherit this class to define a new language like PLSQL, PHP or C#
 class Java
          Deprecated. in 3.6

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.rules

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.rules
 interface ViolationFilter
          Deprecated. in 3.6. Replaced by IssueFilter.

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.scan.event

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.scan.event
 interface ModuleScanPhaseHandler
 interface ProjectScanHandler

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.scan.filesystem

Subinterfaces of BatchExtension in org.sonar.api.scan.filesystem
 interface FileSystemFilter
          Deprecated. since 4.2 use InputFileFilter

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.xoo

Classes in org.sonar.xoo that implement BatchExtension
 class Xoo

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.xoo.lang

Classes in org.sonar.xoo.lang that implement BatchExtension
 class MeasureSensor
          Parse files *.xoo.measures
 class ScmActivitySensor
 class SymbolReferencesSensor
          Parse files *.xoo.symbol
 class SyntaxHighlightingSensor
          Parse files *.xoo.highlighting
 class XooTokenizerSensor
          Tokenize xoo files (separator is whitespace) for duplication detection

Uses of BatchExtension in org.sonar.xoo.rule

Classes in org.sonar.xoo.rule that implement BatchExtension
 class CreateIssueByInternalKeySensor
 class OneIssueOnDirPerFileSensor
 class OneIssuePerLineSensor

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