Uses of Class

Packages that use Metric.Builder

Uses of Metric.Builder in org.sonar.api.measures

Methods in org.sonar.api.measures that return Metric.Builder
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setBestValue(Double d)
          Sets the best value that the metric can get (example: 100.0 for code coverage).
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setDeleteHistoricalData(boolean b)
          Specifies whether measures from the past can be automatically deleted to minimize database volume.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setDescription(String d)
          Sets the metric description.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setDirection(Integer d)
          Sets the metric direction (used for numeric values only), which is used in the Web UI to show if the trend of a metric is good or not.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setDomain(String d)
          Sets the domain for the metric (General, Complexity...).
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setFormula(Formula f)
          Specifies the formula used by Sonar to automatically aggregate measures stored on files up to the project level.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setHidden(boolean b)
          Sets whether the metric should be hidden in Web UI (e.g.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setOptimizedBestValue(boolean b)
          Specifies whether file-level measures that equal to the defined best value are stored or not.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setQualitative(Boolean b)
          Sets whether the metric is qualitative or not.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setUserManaged(boolean b)
          Specifies whether this metric can be edited online in the "Manual measures" page.
 Metric.Builder Metric.Builder.setWorstValue(Double d)
          Sets the worst value that the metric can get (example: 0.0 for code coverage).

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