Uses of Class

Packages that use Duration
org.sonar.api.issue.internal This package contains classes that MUST NOT be used by plugins, except for unit testing. 

Uses of Duration in org.sonar.api.batch.debt

Methods in org.sonar.api.batch.debt that return Duration
 Duration DebtRemediationFunction.coefficient()
 Duration DebtRemediationFunction.offset()

Methods in org.sonar.api.batch.debt with parameters of type Duration
static DebtRemediationFunction DebtRemediationFunction.create(DebtRemediationFunction.Type type, Duration coefficient, Duration offset)
static DebtRemediationFunction DebtRemediationFunction.createConstantPerIssue(Duration offset)
static DebtRemediationFunction DebtRemediationFunction.createLinear(Duration coefficient)
static DebtRemediationFunction DebtRemediationFunction.createLinearWithOffset(Duration coefficient, Duration offset)

Uses of Duration in org.sonar.api.issue.internal

Methods in org.sonar.api.issue.internal that return Duration
 Duration DefaultIssue.debt()
          Elapsed time to fix the issue

Methods in org.sonar.api.issue.internal with parameters of type Duration
 DefaultIssue DefaultIssue.setDebt(Duration t)

Uses of Duration in org.sonar.api.utils

Methods in org.sonar.api.utils that return Duration
 Duration Duration.add(Duration with)
          Add the given duration to the current one.
 Duration Durations.create(long minutes)
          Create a Duration object from a number of minutes
static Duration Duration.create(long durationInMinutes)
          Create a Duration from a number of minutes.
 Duration Durations.decode(String duration)
          Convert the text to a Duration
Example : decode("9d 10 h") -> Duration.encode("10d2h") (if sonar.technicalDebt.hoursInDay property is set to 8)
static Duration Duration.decode(String text, int hoursInDay)
          Create a Duration from a text duration and the number of hours in a day.
 Duration Duration.multiply(int factor)
          Multiply the duration with the given factor.
 Duration Duration.subtract(Duration with)
          Subtract the given duration to the current one.

Methods in org.sonar.api.utils with parameters of type Duration
 Duration Duration.add(Duration with)
          Add the given duration to the current one.
 String Durations.encode(Duration duration)
          Return the string value of the Duration.
 String Durations.format(Locale locale, Duration duration, Durations.DurationFormat format)
          Return the formatted work duration.
 boolean Duration.isGreaterThan(Duration other)
          Return true if the given duration is greater than the current one.
 Duration Duration.subtract(Duration with)
          Subtract the given duration to the current one.

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