Uses of Interface

Packages that use CheckProject

Uses of CheckProject in org.sonar.api.batch

Subinterfaces of CheckProject in org.sonar.api.batch
 interface Decorator
 interface Sensor
           A Sensor is invoked once during the analysis of a project.

Classes in org.sonar.api.batch that implement CheckProject
 class AbstractDirectoriesDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.2, the number of directories is automatically calculated by sonar core (see metric formula)
 class AbstractDivisionDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate metrics that are the result of a division
 class AbstractFileComplexityDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.1, a formula has been implemented on the metric, so no need to have decorator anymore
 class AbstractFilesDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.2, the number of files is automatically calculated by sonar core (see metric formula)
 class AbstractFunctionComplexityDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.1, a formula has been implemented on the metric, so no need to have decorator anymore
 class AbstractFunctionComplexityDistributionDecorator
          Deprecated. since 2.1, a formula has been implemented on the metric, so no need to have decorator anymore
 class AbstractSourceImporter
          Deprecated. since 4.2 Component indexing and source import are done by core and this extension is not used.
 class AbstractSumChildrenDecorator
          Sum measures of child resources.
 class Initializer
           Initializer can execute external tool (like a Maven plugin), change project configuration.

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