Uses of Interface

Packages that use User

Uses of User in org.sonar.api.issue

Methods in org.sonar.api.issue that return User
 User IssueQueryResult.user(String login)
          Returns the user with the given login.

Methods in org.sonar.api.issue that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> IssueQueryResult.users()
          The users involved in the paginated IssueQueryResult.issues(), for example people who added a comment, reported an issue or are assigned to issues.

Methods in org.sonar.api.issue with parameters of type User
 IssueHandler.Context IssueHandler.Context.assign(User user)

Uses of User in org.sonar.api.user

Methods in org.sonar.api.user that return User
 User UserFinder.findByLogin(String login)
 User RubyUserService.findByLogin(String login)

Methods in org.sonar.api.user that return types with arguments of type User
 List<User> RubyUserService.find(Map<String,Object> params)
          Search for users

Optional parameters are: s to match all the logins or names containing this search query logins, as an array of strings (['simon', 'julien']) or a comma-separated list of logins ('simon,julien') includeDeactivated as a boolean.

 List<User> UserFinder.find(UserQuery query)
 List<User> UserFinder.findByLogins(List<String> logins)

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