Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServerComponent

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api
 interface ServerExtension
          Server extension point.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.charts

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.charts
 interface Chart
          An Extension to create charts

Classes in org.sonar.api.charts that implement ServerComponent
 class AbstractChart
          An extension point to generate JFreeChart charts

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.component

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.component
 interface Perspectives
 interface ResourcePerspectives
          Only on batch-side.
 interface RubyComponentService

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.config

Classes in org.sonar.api.config that implement ServerComponent
 class EmailSettings
          If batch extensions use this component, then batch must be executed with administrator rights (see properties sonar.login and sonar.password)
 class GlobalPropertyChangeHandler
          Observe changes of global properties done from web application.
 class PropertyDefinition
          Declare a plugin property.
 class PropertyDefinitions
          Metadata of all the properties declared by plugins
 class Settings
          Project Settings on batch side, Global Settings on server side.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.i18n

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.i18n
 interface I18n
          Main component that provides translation facilities.
 interface RuleI18n
          Deprecated. in 4.1. Rules are not localized anymore. See

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.issue

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.issue
 interface IssueFinder
          Search for issues.
 interface RubyIssueService
          Facade for JRuby on Rails extensions to request issues.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.issue.action

Classes in org.sonar.api.issue.action that implement ServerComponent
 class Actions

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.measures

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.measures
 interface MetricFinder
 interface Metrics

Classes in org.sonar.api.measures that implement ServerComponent
 class Metric
          This class represents the definition of a metric in Sonar.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.notifications

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.notifications
 interface NotificationManager
           The notification manager receives notifications and is in charge of storing them so that they are processed by the notification service.

Classes in org.sonar.api.notifications that implement ServerComponent
 class NotificationChannel
           Plugins should extend this class to provide implementation on a specific way to deliver notifications.
 class NotificationDispatcher
           Plugins should extend this class to provide logic to determine which users are interested in receiving notifications, along with which delivery channels they selected.
 class NotificationDispatcherMetadata
           Notification dispatchers (see NotificationDispatcher) can define their own metadata class in order to tell more about them.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.platform

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.platform
 interface NewUserHandler
 interface PluginRepository
 interface ServerFileSystem
 interface ServerStartHandler
 interface ServerStopHandler
 interface ServerUpgradeStatus

Classes in org.sonar.api.platform that implement ServerComponent
 class ComponentContainer
 class Server

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.profiles

Classes in org.sonar.api.profiles that implement ServerComponent
 class AnnotationProfileParser
 class ProfileDefinition
          Define a profile which is automatically registered during sonar startup.
 class ProfileExporter
 class ProfileImporter
 class XMLProfileParser
          TODO should be an interface
 class XMLProfileSerializer

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.resources

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.resources
 interface Language
          The extension point to define a new language

Instantiation strategy changed to PER_BATCH in version 4.2.


Classes in org.sonar.api.resources that implement ServerComponent
 class AbstractLanguage
          Inherit this class to define a new language like PLSQL, PHP or C#
 class Java
          Deprecated. in 3.6
 class Languages
          A class to store the list of languages
 class ResourceTypes
 class ResourceTypeTree

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.rules

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.rules
 interface RuleFinder

Classes in org.sonar.api.rules that implement ServerComponent
 class AnnotationRuleParser
          Deprecated. in 4.2. Replaced by org.sonar.api.rule.RuleDefinitions#loadAnnotatedClasses()
 class RuleRepository
          Deprecated. in 4.2. Replaced by org.sonar.api.rule.RuleDefinitions
 class XMLRuleParser
          Deprecated. in 4.2. Replaced by org.sonar.api.rule.RuleDefinitions#loadXml()

Uses of ServerComponent in

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in
 interface LoginPasswordAuthenticator
          Deprecated. replaced by Authenticator in version 3.1
 interface ResourcePermissions
          Grant access to newly created projects.
 interface UserFinder

Classes in that implement ServerComponent
 class Authenticator
 class SecurityRealm

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.server.debt

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.server.debt
 interface DebtModel

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.server.rule

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.server.rule
 interface RulesDefinition
          Defines the coding rules.

Classes in org.sonar.api.server.rule that implement ServerComponent
 class RulesDefinitionI18nLoader
          Loads the English bundles of rules (name, description and parameters) that are deprecated since 4.2.
 class RulesDefinitionXmlLoader
          Loads definitions of rules from a XML file.

Uses of ServerComponent in

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in
 interface RequestHandler
 interface WebService
          Defines a web service.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.user

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.user
 interface RubyUserService

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.utils

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.utils
 interface Semaphores
          A semaphore shared among all the processes that can connect to the central database.
 interface TempFolder
          Use this component to deal with temp files/folders.

Classes in org.sonar.api.utils that implement ServerComponent
 class Durations
          Used through ruby code
 class HttpDownloader
          This component downloads HTTP files
 class System2
          Proxy over System.
 class UriReader
          Reads different types of URI.

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.utils.internal

Classes in org.sonar.api.utils.internal that implement ServerComponent
 class DefaultTempFolder
 class TempFolderCleaner

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.web

Subinterfaces of ServerComponent in org.sonar.api.web
 interface Footer
 interface GwtExtension
          Deprecated. in 3.7. Replaced by Ruby on Rails extensions
 interface Page
 interface RubyRailsPage
 interface RubyRailsWebservice
          Deprecated. in 4.2. Replaced by
 interface RubyRailsWidget
          Widget in project dashboard page.
 interface View
 interface Webservice
          Deprecated. in 4.2. Replaced by
 interface Widget

Classes in org.sonar.api.web that implement ServerComponent
 class AbstractDashboardWidget
          Deprecated. override org.sonar.api.web.AbstractRubyTemplate and implement org.sonar.api.web.RubyRailsWidget
 class CodeColorizerFormat
          Extend the library sonar-colorizer to support new languages.
 class DashboardTemplate
          This extension point must be implemented to define a new dashboard.
 class FilterTemplate
          This extension point must be implemented to define a new filter.
 class GwtPage
          Deprecated. in 3.7. Replaced by Ruby on Rails pages.
 class PageDecoration
          Adds content to HTML pages.
 class ServletFilter

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.xoo

Classes in org.sonar.xoo that implement ServerComponent
 class Xoo

Uses of ServerComponent in org.sonar.xoo.rule

Classes in org.sonar.xoo.rule that implement ServerComponent
 class XooQualityProfile
 class XooRulesDefinition
          Define all the coding rules that are supported on the repository named "xoo".

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