Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServerExtension

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.charts

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.charts
 interface Chart
          An Extension to create charts

Classes in org.sonar.api.charts that implement ServerExtension
 class AbstractChart
          An extension point to generate JFreeChart charts

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.checks.profiles

Classes in org.sonar.api.checks.profiles that implement ServerExtension
 class CheckProfile
          Deprecated. since 2.3
 class CheckProfileProvider
          Deprecated. since 2.3

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.checks.templates

Classes in org.sonar.api.checks.templates that implement ServerExtension
 class CheckTemplateRepositories
          Deprecated. since 2.3
 class CheckTemplateRepository
          Deprecated. since 2.3

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.measures

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.measures
 interface Metrics

Classes in org.sonar.api.measures that implement ServerExtension
 class Metric

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.platform

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.platform
 interface ServerStartHandler
 interface ServerStopHandler

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.profiles

Classes in org.sonar.api.profiles that implement ServerExtension
 class ProfileDefinition
          Define a profile which is automatically registered during sonar startup.
 class ProfileExporter
 class ProfileImporter

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.qualitymodel

Classes in org.sonar.api.qualitymodel that implement ServerExtension
 class ModelDefinition
          This extension point must be implemented to define a new quality model.

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.resources

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.resources
 interface Language
          The extension point to define a new language

Classes in org.sonar.api.resources that implement ServerExtension
 class AbstractLanguage
          Inherit this class to define a new language like PLSQL, PHP or C#
 class Java
          Java language implementation

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.rules

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.rules
 interface RulesRepository<LANG extends Language>
          Deprecated. since 2.3

Classes in org.sonar.api.rules that implement ServerExtension
 class AbstractImportableRulesRepository<LANG extends Language,MAPPER extends RulePriorityMapper<?,?>>
 class AbstractRulesRepository<LANG extends Language,MAPPER extends RulePriorityMapper<?,?>>
 class RuleRepository

Uses of ServerExtension in

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in
 interface LoginPasswordAuthenticator

Uses of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.web

Subinterfaces of ServerExtension in org.sonar.api.web
 interface Footer
 interface GwtExtension
 interface Page
 interface RubyRailsPage
 interface RubyRailsWebservice

Interface to create a ruby web service extension point using the Ruby On Rails controller API (ActionController) The method getTemplate() return the ROR controller code, the name of the controller class defined in the template MUST match the following name scheme : Api::$Webservice.getId()Controller I.E : Webservice.getId() = TestWS > Api::TestWSController.

 interface RubyRailsWidget
          Widget in project dashboard page.
 interface View
 interface Webservice
          Interface to create a web service extension point
 interface Widget

Classes in org.sonar.api.web that implement ServerExtension
 class AbstractDashboardWidget
          Deprecated. override org.sonar.api.web.AbstractRubyTemplate and implement org.sonar.api.web.RubyRailsWidget
 class CodeColorizerFormat
          Extend the library sonar-colorizer to support new languages.
 class GwtPage

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