Uses of Class

Packages that use Channel Provides a basic framework to sequentially read any kind of character stream in order to feed a generic OUTPUT. 

Uses of Channel in

Subclasses of Channel in
 class ChannelDispatcher<OUTPUT>
 class RegexChannel<OUTPUT>
          The RegexChannel can be used to be called each time the next characters in the character stream match a regular expression

Methods in with parameters of type Channel
 ChannelDispatcher.Builder ChannelDispatcher.Builder.addChannel(Channel channel)
 ChannelDispatcher.Builder ChannelDispatcher.Builder.addChannels(Channel... c)

Constructors in with parameters of type Channel
ChannelCodeReaderFilter(Channel<OUTPUT>... channels)
          Creates a CodeReaderFilter that will use the provided Channels to filter the character stream it gets from its reader.
ChannelCodeReaderFilter(OUTPUT output, Channel<OUTPUT>... channels)
          Creates a CodeReaderFilter that will use the provided Channels to filter the character stream it gets from its reader.
ChannelDispatcher(Channel... channels)
          Deprecated. in version 2.9. Please use the builder() method

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Channel
ChannelDispatcher(List<Channel> channels)
          Deprecated. in version 2.9. Please use the builder() method
ChannelDispatcher(List<Channel> channels, boolean failIfNoChannelToConsumeOneCharacter)
          Deprecated. in version 2.9. Please use the builder() method

Uses of Channel in org.sonar.colorizer

Subclasses of Channel in org.sonar.colorizer
 class CaseInsensitiveKeywordsTokenizer
 class CDocTokenizer
 class CppDocTokenizer
 class HtmlDecorator
 class InlineDocTokenizer
 class JavaAnnotationTokenizer
 class JavaConstantTokenizer
          Detect Java constant
 class JavadocTokenizer
 class KeywordsTokenizer
          Detect case-sensitive keywords
 class LiteralTokenizer
 class MultilinesDocTokenizer
 class NotThreadSafeTokenizer
          A thread safe Tokenizer.
 class RegexpTokenizer
 class StringTokenizer
 class Tokenizer
          A token highlighter is in charge to optionally consume the next characters (token) of a CodeReader and to add the highlighted token to an HtmlCodeBuilder.

Method parameters in org.sonar.colorizer with type arguments of type Channel
abstract  String Renderer.render(Reader code, List<? extends Channel<HtmlCodeBuilder>> tokenizers)
 String HtmlRenderer.render(Reader code, List<? extends Channel<HtmlCodeBuilder>> tokenizers)

Constructors in org.sonar.colorizer with parameters of type Channel
TokenizerDispatcher(Channel<HtmlCodeBuilder>... tokenizers)

Constructor parameters in org.sonar.colorizer with type arguments of type Channel
TokenizerDispatcher(List<Channel<HtmlCodeBuilder>> tokenizers)

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