Uses of Interface

Packages that use Plugin

Uses of Plugin in org.sonar.api

Methods in org.sonar.api that return Plugin
 Plugin Plugins.getPlugin(java.lang.String key)
          Deprecated. Returns a plugin based on its key
 Plugin Plugins.getPluginByExtension(java.lang.Class<? extends Extension> clazz)
          Deprecated. Returns a plugin based on its extension
 Plugin Plugins.getPluginByExtension(Extension extension)
          Deprecated. Returns a plugin based on its extension

Methods in org.sonar.api that return types with arguments of type Plugin
 java.util.Collection<Plugin> Plugins.getPlugins()
          Deprecated. Gives a collection of available plugins in the Sonar instance

Methods in org.sonar.api with parameters of type Plugin
 Property[] Plugins.getProperties(Plugin plugin)
          Deprecated. Returns the list of properties of a plugin

Uses of Plugin in org.sonar.api.plugins

Methods in org.sonar.api.plugins that return Plugin
 Plugin PluginProvider.getPlugin(java.lang.String key)
 Plugin ExtensionProvider.getPluginForExtension(java.lang.Object extension)

Methods in org.sonar.api.plugins that return types with arguments of type Plugin
 java.util.Collection<Plugin> PluginProvider.getPlugins()

Methods in org.sonar.api.plugins with parameters of type Plugin
 Property[] PluginProvider.getPluginProperties(Plugin plugin)
          Returns the list of properties of a plugin
 void ExtensionProvider.registerExtension(org.picocontainer.MutablePicoContainer container, Plugin plugin, java.lang.Object extension)

Uses of Plugin in org.sonar.api.rules

Methods in org.sonar.api.rules that return types with arguments of type Plugin
 java.util.List<Plugin> RulesManager.getExportablePlugins(Language language)
          Get the list of rules plugin that implement a mechanism of export for a given language
 java.util.List<Plugin> RulesManager.getImportablePlugins(Language language)
          Get the list of rules plugin that implement a mechanism of import for a given language
 java.util.List<Plugin> RulesManager.getPlugins(Language language)
          Gets the list of rules plugins for a given language

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