Uses of Interface

Packages that use CheckProject

Uses of CheckProject in org.sonar.api.batch

Subinterfaces of CheckProject in org.sonar.api.batch
 interface Decorator
 interface Sensor
          A Sensor is invoked once during the analysis of a project.

Classes in org.sonar.api.batch that implement CheckProject
 class AbstractDirectoriesDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate the number of directories
 class AbstractDivisionDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate metrics that are the result of a division
 class AbstractFileComplexityDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate the file complexity
 class AbstractFilesDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate the number of files
 class AbstractFunctionComplexityDecorator
          A pre-implementation to decorate average complexity of functions
 class AbstractFunctionComplexityDistributionDecorator
 class AbstractSourceImporter
          A pre-implementation for a sensor that imports sources
 class AbstractSumChildrenDecorator
          Sum measures of child resources.
 class FormulaDecorator
          A pre-implementation of a decorator using a simple calculation formula

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