Class ImpactMapper

  • @Deprecated(since="10.1")
    public class ImpactMapper
    extends java.lang.Object
    since 10.1 This is only used for mapping deprecated types and severities until they are removed
    • Method Detail

      • convertToSoftwareQuality

        public static SoftwareQuality convertToSoftwareQuality​(RuleType ruleType)
      • convertToDeprecatedSeverity

        public static java.lang.String convertToDeprecatedSeverity​(Severity severity)
      • convertToImpactSeverity

        public static Severity convertToImpactSeverity​(java.lang.String deprecatedSeverity)
      • getBestImpactForBackmapping

        public static java.util.Map.Entry<SoftwareQuality,​Severity> getBestImpactForBackmapping​(java.util.Map<SoftwareQuality,​Severity> impacts)
        This method is needed for picking the best impact on which we are going to base backmapping (getting type and severity from impact). As Impacts like any ordering (there is no "best" impact, all of them are equal) we just need to ensure that our choice is consistent to make sure we always pick the same impact when the list (map) of impacts is the same.