Interface Language

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Language
    The extension point to define a new language. A Language is defined by a key and a name (aka label).

    When source files are analyzed on SonarLint or on scanner side, they will be optionally assigned to a language. A given source file (see InputFile) can only have one language (or no language). Implementors can declare file extensions (using getFileSuffixes()) or filename patterns (using filenamePatterns() that will be used to decide which language should be associated to a file.
    Since a source file can only have one language, patterns should match disjoint sets of files.
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        java.lang.String getKey()
        For example "java". Should not be more than 20 chars.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        For example "Java"
      • getFileSuffixes

        java.lang.String[] getFileSuffixes()
        Filename extensions, without the dot. For example ["jav", "java"]. Source files having any of those extensions will be associated to this language. This is equivalent to have filenamePatterns() returning ["**/*.jav", "**/*.java"].
        The filename extension matching is case-insensitive, so declaring ["java"] will match "src/main/java/" and "src/main/java/Foo.JAVA".
        If both getFileSuffixes() and filenamePatterns() are provided, both will be considered. Implementors should be careful to have each language suffix and patterns matching disjoint set of files, since a file can be assigned to only one language.
      • publishAllFiles

        default boolean publishAllFiles()
        Whether all files identified with this language should be sent to SonarQube, even if no data is reported for them
      • filenamePatterns

        default java.lang.String[] filenamePatterns()
        Provide a list of patterns following the WildcardPattern syntax. Source files matching any of those patterns will be associated to this language. Pattern are considered relative: ["pom.xml"] is equivalent to ["**/pom.xml"]
        The filename extension matching is case-insensitive, so declaring ["**/*"] will match "" and "FooTest.JAVA" but not "".
        If both getFileSuffixes() and filenamePatterns() are provided, both will be considered. Implementors should be careful to have each language suffix and patterns matching disjoint set of files, since a file can be assigned to only one language.