Class RulesDefinitionXmlLoader

  • @ServerSide
    public class RulesDefinitionXmlLoader
    extends java.lang.Object
    since 9.0. Use the sonar-check-api to annotate rule classes instead of loading the metadata from XML files. See Rule.
    Loads definitions of rules from a XML file.


     public class MyJsRulesDefinition implements RulesDefinition {
       private static final String PATH = "my-js-rules.xml";
       private final RulesDefinitionXmlLoader xmlLoader;
       public MyJsRulesDefinition(RulesDefinitionXmlLoader xmlLoader) {
         this.xmlLoader = xmlLoader;
       public void define(Context context) {
         try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(PATH), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
           NewRepository repository = context.createRepository("my_js", "js").setName("My Javascript Analyzer");
           xmlLoader.load(repository, reader);
         } catch (IOException e) {
           throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Fail to read file %s", PATH), e);

    XML Format

         <!-- Required key. Max length is 200 characters. -->
         <!-- Required name. Max length is 200 characters. -->
         <name>The purpose of the rule</name>
         <!-- Required description. No max length. -->
           <![CDATA[The description]]>
         <!-- Optional format of description. Supported values are HTML (default) and MARKDOWN. -->
         <!-- Optional key for configuration of some rule engines -->
         <!-- Default severity when enabling the rule in a Quality profile.  -->
         <!-- Possible values are INFO, MINOR, MAJOR (default), CRITICAL, BLOCKER. -->
         <!-- Possible values are SINGLE (default) and MULTIPLE for template rules -->
         <!-- Status displayed in rules console. Possible values are BETA, READY (default), DEPRECATED. -->
         <!-- Type as defined by the SonarQube Quality Model. Possible values are CODE_SMELL (default), BUG and VULNERABILITY.-->
         <!-- Optional tags. See org.sonar.api.server.rule.RuleTagFormat. The maximal length of all tags is 4000 characters. -->
         <!-- Optional parameters -->
           <!-- Required key. Max length is 128 characters. -->
             <![CDATA[the optional description, in HTML format. Max length is 4000 characters.]]>
           <!-- Optional default value, used when enabling the rule in a Quality profile. Max length is 4000 characters. -->
         <!-- Quality Model - type of debt remediation function -->
         <!-- See enum DebtRemediationFunction.Type for supported values -->
         <!-- It was previously named 'debtRemediationFunction'. -->
         <!-- Since 5.5 -->
         <!-- Quality Model - raw description of the "gap", used for some types of remediation functions. -->
         <!-- See RulesDefinition.NewRule.setGapDescription(String) -->
         <!-- It was previously named 'effortToFixDescription'. -->
         <!-- Since 5.5 -->
         <gapDescription>Effort to test one uncovered condition</gapFixDescription>
         <!-- Quality Model - gap multiplier of debt remediation function. Must be defined only for some function types. -->
         <!-- See RulesDefinition.DebtRemediationFunctions -->
         <!-- It was previously named 'debtRemediationFunctionCoefficient'. -->
         <!-- Since 5.5 -->
         <!-- Quality Model - base effort of debt remediation function. Must be defined only for some function types. -->
         <!-- See RulesDefinition.DebtRemediationFunctions -->
         <!-- It was previously named 'debtRemediationFunctionOffset'. -->
         <!-- Since 5.5 -->
         <!-- Deprecated field, replaced by "internalKey" -->
         <!-- Deprecated field, replaced by "severity" -->

    XML Example

         <name>"alert(...)" should not be used</name>
         <description>alert(...) can be useful for debugging during development, but ...</description>
       <!-- another rules... -->
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • RulesDefinitionXmlLoader

        public RulesDefinitionXmlLoader()
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public void load​(RulesDefinition.NewRepository repo,
                         java.lang.String encoding)
        Loads rules by reading the XML input stream. The input stream is not always closed by the method, so it should be handled by the caller.
      • load

        public void load​(RulesDefinition.NewRepository repo,
                         java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
      • load

        public void load​(RulesDefinition.NewRepository repo,
        Loads rules by reading the XML input stream. The reader is not closed by the method, so it should be handled by the caller.