
Package org.sonar.api

Interface Summary
BatchComponent Marker interface for all the components available in container of batch (code analyzer).
BatchExtension Marker interface for all the batch extension points, which are aimed to be implemented by plugins.
CoreProperties Non-exhaustive list of constants of core properties.
Extension Plugin extension point
Plugin Deprecated. in 2.8.
ServerComponent Same than BatchComponent but for server-side components.
ServerExtension Server extension point.

Class Summary
ExtensionProvider Factory of extensions.
SonarPlugin Plugin entry-point used to declare its extensions (see Extension.

Enum Summary

Annotation Types Summary
Properties Plugin properties.
Property Property value can be set in different ways : System property Batch command-line (-Dfoo=bar in Maven or sonar-runner) Maven pom.xml (element ) Maven settings.xml SonarQube web administration console
PropertyField Property field.

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