Annotation Type RequiredMeasures

public @interface RequiredMeasures

Annotation used to specify which measures should be available on a snapshot to be able to display a view (page, tab, ...). It is possible to give a list of mandatory measures (= if one is not available, the view is not displayed) and/or a list of needed measures (only one of them needs to be available). The measures are specified using the metric keys.

Example: the DesignPage absolutely requires the "dsm" measure to be fed in order to be displayed, whatever the language. The class will define a @RequiredMeasures(allOf={"dsm"}) annotation.


Optional Element Summary
 String[] allOf
          Lists all the measures that must absolutely to be available on the snapshot in order to display the view.
 String[] anyOf
          Lists all needed measures required to display the view.


public abstract String[] allOf
Lists all the measures that must absolutely to be available on the snapshot in order to display the view.

the list of mandatory measures, identified by their metric key


public abstract String[] anyOf
Lists all needed measures required to display the view. If only one of them is available on the snapshot, then the view is displayed.

the list of needed measures, identified by their metric key

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