001    /*
002     * Sonar, open source software quality management tool.
003     * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 SonarSource
004     * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com
005     *
006     * Sonar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
007     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
008     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
009     * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
010     *
011     * Sonar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
012     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
014     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
015     *
016     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
017     * License along with Sonar; if not, write to the Free Software
018     * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02
019     */
021    /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. CPPParserConstants.java */
022    package net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.cppast;
025    /**
026     * Token literal values and constants.
027     * Generated by org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start()
028     */
029    public interface CPPParserConstants {
031      /** End of File. */
032      int EOF = 0;
033      /** RegularExpression Id. */
034      int LCURLYBRACE = 19;
035      /** RegularExpression Id. */
036      int RCURLYBRACE = 20;
037      /** RegularExpression Id. */
038      int LSQUAREBRACKET = 21;
039      /** RegularExpression Id. */
040      int RSQUAREBRACKET = 22;
041      /** RegularExpression Id. */
042      int LPARENTHESIS = 23;
043      /** RegularExpression Id. */
044      int RPARENTHESIS = 24;
045      /** RegularExpression Id. */
046      int SCOPE = 25;
047      /** RegularExpression Id. */
048      int COLON = 26;
049      /** RegularExpression Id. */
050      int SEMICOLON = 27;
051      /** RegularExpression Id. */
052      int COMMA = 28;
053      /** RegularExpression Id. */
054      int QUESTIONMARK = 29;
055      /** RegularExpression Id. */
056      int ELLIPSIS = 30;
057      /** RegularExpression Id. */
058      int ASSIGNEQUAL = 31;
059      /** RegularExpression Id. */
060      int TIMESEQUAL = 32;
061      /** RegularExpression Id. */
062      int DIVIDEEQUAL = 33;
063      /** RegularExpression Id. */
064      int MODEQUAL = 34;
065      /** RegularExpression Id. */
066      int PLUSEQUAL = 35;
067      /** RegularExpression Id. */
068      int MINUSEQUAL = 36;
069      /** RegularExpression Id. */
070      int SHIFTLEFTEQUAL = 37;
071      /** RegularExpression Id. */
072      int SHIFTRIGHTEQUAL = 38;
073      /** RegularExpression Id. */
074      int BITWISEANDEQUAL = 39;
075      /** RegularExpression Id. */
076      int BITWISEXOREQUAL = 40;
077      /** RegularExpression Id. */
078      int BITWISEOREQUAL = 41;
079      /** RegularExpression Id. */
080      int OR = 42;
081      /** RegularExpression Id. */
082      int AND = 43;
083      /** RegularExpression Id. */
084      int BITWISEOR = 44;
085      /** RegularExpression Id. */
086      int BITWISEXOR = 45;
087      /** RegularExpression Id. */
088      int AMPERSAND = 46;
089      /** RegularExpression Id. */
090      int EQUAL = 47;
091      /** RegularExpression Id. */
092      int NOTEQUAL = 48;
093      /** RegularExpression Id. */
094      int LESSTHAN = 49;
095      /** RegularExpression Id. */
096      int GREATERTHAN = 50;
097      /** RegularExpression Id. */
098      int LESSTHANOREQUALTO = 51;
099      /** RegularExpression Id. */
101      /** RegularExpression Id. */
102      int SHIFTLEFT = 53;
103      /** RegularExpression Id. */
104      int SHIFTRIGHT = 54;
105      /** RegularExpression Id. */
106      int PLUS = 55;
107      /** RegularExpression Id. */
108      int MINUS = 56;
109      /** RegularExpression Id. */
110      int STAR = 57;
111      /** RegularExpression Id. */
112      int DIVIDE = 58;
113      /** RegularExpression Id. */
114      int MOD = 59;
115      /** RegularExpression Id. */
116      int PLUSPLUS = 60;
117      /** RegularExpression Id. */
118      int MINUSMINUS = 61;
119      /** RegularExpression Id. */
120      int TILDE = 62;
121      /** RegularExpression Id. */
122      int NOT = 63;
123      /** RegularExpression Id. */
124      int DOT = 64;
125      /** RegularExpression Id. */
126      int POINTERTO = 65;
127      /** RegularExpression Id. */
128      int DOTSTAR = 66;
129      /** RegularExpression Id. */
130      int ARROWSTAR = 67;
131      /** RegularExpression Id. */
132      int AUTO = 68;
133      /** RegularExpression Id. */
134      int BREAK = 69;
135      /** RegularExpression Id. */
136      int CASE = 70;
137      /** RegularExpression Id. */
138      int CATCH = 71;
139      /** RegularExpression Id. */
140      int CHAR = 72;
141      /** RegularExpression Id. */
142      int CONST = 73;
143      /** RegularExpression Id. */
144      int CONTINUE = 74;
145      /** RegularExpression Id. */
146      int _DEFAULT = 75;
147      /** RegularExpression Id. */
148      int DELETE = 76;
149      /** RegularExpression Id. */
150      int DO = 77;
151      /** RegularExpression Id. */
152      int DOUBLE = 78;
153      /** RegularExpression Id. */
154      int ELSE = 79;
155      /** RegularExpression Id. */
156      int ENUM = 80;
157      /** RegularExpression Id. */
158      int EXTERN = 81;
159      /** RegularExpression Id. */
160      int FLOAT = 82;
161      /** RegularExpression Id. */
162      int FOR = 83;
163      /** RegularExpression Id. */
164      int FRIEND = 84;
165      /** RegularExpression Id. */
166      int GOTO = 85;
167      /** RegularExpression Id. */
168      int IF = 86;
169      /** RegularExpression Id. */
170      int INLINE = 87;
171      /** RegularExpression Id. */
172      int INT = 88;
173      /** RegularExpression Id. */
174      int LONG = 89;
175      /** RegularExpression Id. */
176      int NEW = 90;
177      /** RegularExpression Id. */
178      int PRIVATE = 91;
179      /** RegularExpression Id. */
180      int PROTECTED = 92;
181      /** RegularExpression Id. */
182      int PUBLIC = 93;
183      /** RegularExpression Id. */
184      int REDECLARED = 94;
185      /** RegularExpression Id. */
186      int REGISTER = 95;
187      /** RegularExpression Id. */
188      int RETURN = 96;
189      /** RegularExpression Id. */
190      int SHORT = 97;
191      /** RegularExpression Id. */
192      int SIGNED = 98;
193      /** RegularExpression Id. */
194      int SIZEOF = 99;
195      /** RegularExpression Id. */
196      int STATIC = 100;
197      /** RegularExpression Id. */
198      int STRUCT = 101;
199      /** RegularExpression Id. */
200      int CLASS = 102;
201      /** RegularExpression Id. */
202      int SWITCH = 103;
203      /** RegularExpression Id. */
204      int TEMPLATE = 104;
205      /** RegularExpression Id. */
206      int THIS = 105;
207      /** RegularExpression Id. */
208      int TRY = 106;
209      /** RegularExpression Id. */
210      int TYPEDEF = 107;
211      /** RegularExpression Id. */
212      int UNION = 108;
213      /** RegularExpression Id. */
214      int UNSIGNED = 109;
215      /** RegularExpression Id. */
216      int VIRTUAL = 110;
217      /** RegularExpression Id. */
218      int VOID = 111;
219      /** RegularExpression Id. */
220      int VOLATILE = 112;
221      /** RegularExpression Id. */
222      int WHILE = 113;
223      /** RegularExpression Id. */
224      int OPERATOR = 114;
225      /** RegularExpression Id. */
226      int TRUETOK = 115;
227      /** RegularExpression Id. */
228      int FALSETOK = 116;
229      /** RegularExpression Id. */
230      int THROW = 117;
231      /** RegularExpression Id. */
232      int OCTALINT = 118;
233      /** RegularExpression Id. */
234      int OCTALLONG = 119;
235      /** RegularExpression Id. */
236      int UNSIGNED_OCTALINT = 120;
237      /** RegularExpression Id. */
238      int UNSIGNED_OCTALLONG = 121;
239      /** RegularExpression Id. */
240      int DECIMALINT = 122;
241      /** RegularExpression Id. */
242      int DECIMALLONG = 123;
243      /** RegularExpression Id. */
244      int UNSIGNED_DECIMALINT = 124;
245      /** RegularExpression Id. */
246      int UNSIGNED_DECIMALLONG = 125;
247      /** RegularExpression Id. */
248      int HEXADECIMALINT = 126;
249      /** RegularExpression Id. */
250      int HEXADECIMALLONG = 127;
251      /** RegularExpression Id. */
253      /** RegularExpression Id. */
255      /** RegularExpression Id. */
256      int FLOATONE = 130;
257      /** RegularExpression Id. */
258      int FLOATTWO = 131;
259      /** RegularExpression Id. */
260      int CHARACTER = 132;
261      /** RegularExpression Id. */
262      int STRING = 133;
263      /** RegularExpression Id. */
264      int ID = 135;
266      /** Lexical state. */
267      int DEFAULT = 0;
268      /** Lexical state. */
269      int IN_LINE_COMMENT = 1;
270      /** Lexical state. */
271      int IN_COMMENT = 2;
272      /** Lexical state. */
274      /** Lexical state. */
275      int PREPROCESSOR_OUTPUT = 4;
277      /** Literal token values. */
278      String[] tokenImage = {
279        "<EOF>",
280        "\" \"",
281        "\"\\f\"",
282        "\"\\t\"",
283        "\"\\r\\n\"",
284        "\"\\n\"",
285        "\"//\"",
286        "\"/*\"",
287        "\"#\"",
288        "\"\\n\"",
289        "<token of kind 10>",
290        "\"*/\"",
291        "<token of kind 12>",
292        "\"*/\"",
293        "\"\\n\"",
294        "\"/*\"",
295        "\"\\\\\\n\"",
296        "\"\\\\\\r\\n\"",
297        "<token of kind 18>",
298        "\"{\"",
299        "\"}\"",
300        "\"[\"",
301        "\"]\"",
302        "\"(\"",
303        "\")\"",
304        "\"::\"",
305        "\":\"",
306        "\";\"",
307        "\",\"",
308        "\"?\"",
309        "\"...\"",
310        "\"=\"",
311        "\"*=\"",
312        "\"/=\"",
313        "\"%=\"",
314        "\"+=\"",
315        "\"-=\"",
316        "\"<<=\"",
317        "\">>=\"",
318        "\"&=\"",
319        "\"^=\"",
320        "\"|=\"",
321        "\"||\"",
322        "\"&&\"",
323        "\"|\"",
324        "\"^\"",
325        "\"&\"",
326        "\"==\"",
327        "\"!=\"",
328        "\"<\"",
329        "\">\"",
330        "\"<=\"",
331        "\">=\"",
332        "\"<<\"",
333        "\">>\"",
334        "\"+\"",
335        "\"-\"",
336        "\"*\"",
337        "\"/\"",
338        "\"%\"",
339        "\"++\"",
340        "\"--\"",
341        "\"~\"",
342        "\"!\"",
343        "\".\"",
344        "\"->\"",
345        "\".*\"",
346        "\"->*\"",
347        "\"auto\"",
348        "\"break\"",
349        "\"case\"",
350        "\"catch\"",
351        "\"char\"",
352        "\"const\"",
353        "\"continue\"",
354        "\"default\"",
355        "\"delete\"",
356        "\"do\"",
357        "\"double\"",
358        "\"else\"",
359        "\"enum\"",
360        "\"extern\"",
361        "\"float\"",
362        "\"for\"",
363        "\"friend\"",
364        "\"goto\"",
365        "\"if\"",
366        "\"inline\"",
367        "\"int\"",
368        "\"long\"",
369        "\"new\"",
370        "\"private\"",
371        "\"protected\"",
372        "\"public\"",
373        "\"redeclared\"",
374        "\"register\"",
375        "\"return\"",
376        "\"short\"",
377        "\"signed\"",
378        "\"sizeof\"",
379        "\"static\"",
380        "\"struct\"",
381        "\"class\"",
382        "\"switch\"",
383        "\"template\"",
384        "\"this\"",
385        "\"try\"",
386        "\"typedef\"",
387        "\"union\"",
388        "\"unsigned\"",
389        "\"virtual\"",
390        "\"void\"",
391        "\"volatile\"",
392        "\"while\"",
393        "\"operator\"",
394        "\"true\"",
395        "\"false\"",
396        "\"throw\"",
397        "<OCTALINT>",
398        "<OCTALLONG>",
399        "<UNSIGNED_OCTALINT>",
400        "<UNSIGNED_OCTALLONG>",
401        "<DECIMALINT>",
402        "<DECIMALLONG>",
405        "<HEXADECIMALINT>",
406        "<HEXADECIMALLONG>",
409        "<FLOATONE>",
410        "<FLOATTWO>",
411        "<CHARACTER>",
412        "<STRING>",
413        "\"finally\"",
414        "<ID>",
415      };
417    }